Community Science

The evidence is clear that frontline communities are disproportionately impacted by systemic inequities that impact their health and well-being. As an organization, we advocate for investments in the built environment, housing, economic stability, health care, education, and social supports—social determinants of health—to increase our neighbors’ life expectancy and quality of life.

Our work is driven by the quantitative and qualitative data that explains the history, lived experiences, and impact of environmental hazards on Southside residents. We rely on data to help tell the story of Southside neighborhoods, identify key environmental issues, and advocate for critical investments and policy changes to address the most pressing needs in the community. 

We work with academic institutions, leverage existing studies, and use community surveys to gather relevant data. The insights gained from this research inform the development of a data-driven, environmental justice policy agenda that helps Richmond reach its goals in RVAgreen 2050, Richmond 300, and other community-led planning.

Community Science Projects

“Go with the Flow” Flood Mapping

Air Quality Monitoring

Community science provides an opportunity for anyone to contribute meaningful data to further our understanding of key issues.

With that data, we can advocate for tangible changes to improve our communities.