Corporate Partnerships

With help from corporate partners, we’re able to do even more to support our neighbors in the Southside. There are many ways for your company to join us through corporate and foundation grant, workplace giving, event sponsorship, cause marketing, and employee engagement.

Join the community of sponsors who are making a social impact by prioritizing climate action in Richmond.

Volunteer at Ernest Road

We’re working with the city to develop five new parks in South Richmond, the first of which will be along Ernest Road. We invite corporate volunteer groups to join us in this effort!

The current phase of the project involves removing plant debris and invasive ivy to increase accessibility in the space. Our flexible volunteer opportunities are ideal for 15+ people. All tools will be provided. Volunteers are encouraged to wear long pants, sleeves and closed toe shoes, and to bring a reusable water bottle. We’ll highlight your group’s efforts on our social media!

Complete the form below to let us know about your company's plans to support Southside ReLeaf. Or, to start the conversation, please contact