Our Work

Neighborhoods in South Richmond tend to be hotter, prone to flood risk, and experience poor air quality due to being zoned next to pollution and industrial waste. Decades of disinvestment stemming from redlining and urban renewal still lingers as the life expectancy of Southside residents is up to 20 years shorter compared to other areas of the city. Climate change is exacerbating social inequities for Black, Latino and low-wealth families. 

We must mobilize to adapt to economic, health and disaster-related impacts of climate change.

Greening Southside

Southside has the hottest temperatures in the city because there’s more pavement than trees and green space. We transform environments with trees, gardens, and plants to cool temperatures, reduce flooding, and beautify neighborhoods.

Policy & Advocacy

The long-term health and wellbeing of our neighbors depends on systemic change. We empower people to advocate for themselves and ensure the needs of people are met through policies and investments.

Adults collaborating on Climate Action worksheets at a table

Education & Outreach

Climate action is a collaborative effort. For greater participation, we must raise awareness and educate community members to understand the current crisis and solutions. We do this by building the brain trust of our neighbors through classroom learning, hands-on training, and volunteer programs.

A group of people at the NASA Climate Roundtable